Wednesday, January 4, 2023

January 4, 2023

 Wednesday is generally yoga day (at least on the Mamele app), which for me means a morning walk with friends.  However, with the snow and cold the morning walks have been temporarily put on hold.  After staying up late last night (work related) I chose to "sleep in" today instead, but knew I would need to fit in my 10,000 steps somewhere in the day.  As I got on a phone call, I decided why can't I go walk around the school while taking care of business at the same time.  The idea was brilliant, and I'm certain it will be a plan I follow in the future - talk and walk!  Close to 5 miles of "talk & walk" (there were several calls to make), and now I sit here with well over 13,000 steps for the day!  Wahoo!

As part of today's challenge we were asked to write a letter to our future self.  For now it's saved in my drive, but the day may come when I post it here...


chocolate protein shake with collagen

coconut butter granola bar


1 chicken breast (grilled) with Chick-Fil-A sauce

6 white chocolate/candy cane dipped flat preztels

Healthy Choice fudge bar



12 oz Diet Pepsi

72 oz water


“Today you will write a letter to your future self, to read at the end of our IMPACT challenge! This letter is designed to give you a clear vision of where you’re headed and set a strong intention of how you plan to show up for yourself throughout our six weeks together. What are your biggest goals to accomplish in the next six weeks and how do you deeply desire to treat yourself along the way? Write a letter to yourself stating how proud you are and excited you feel that you ALREADY accomplished those goals and write in detail of how you showed up for yourself. Write it all out in present tense as if you’ve already accomplished it. Instead of “I hope I exercise consistently.” You will write “I love that I have exercised consistently just like I said I would!” Another example is “I’m trying to speak kindly to myself.” It’s going to be “I am speaking kindly to myself and noticing a huge boost in my energy and discipline since I picked up this new form of self talk.” 

There are no limits in this writing. You get to decide what the goals are and how you want to feel, write it out as if you've already accomplished that. Describe in detail what that feels like and even the changes you've noticed in your life because of it. Once you'e finished, fold up the letter and tuck it somewhere safe that you can come back to read it at the end of the challenge. 

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