Tuesday, June 30, 2020

June 30, 2020

For the warm up I did half of the reps with 55lbs and the other half with 65 lbs. It’s been fun to know that I am becoming stronger and more capable with consistency and dedication. I’ve never been one to want to lift super heavy...65lbs was generally were I kept things in the past. A few weeks back when I started back into xfit, I could hardly use the women’s 35lb bar alone! Celebrate the simple things...

For the AMRAP...
Power Cleans @ 55lbs
Banded-assist pull ups
Wall balls with 14lbs

I believe I was just about to finish my 6th round (5 wall balls short) when time was called.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Motivational Monday

June’s Challenge

With events relating to work taking place in the morning, and spending time with my 2 teenage kids during the day, I didn’t make it to xfit today. However, I spent the afternoon hiking with 5 teenagers and covered a lot of ground. I also reached my goal for the month by burning over 20,000 calories during the month.

The hike was only about 2 miles total, but we were able to explore caves created by lava. They’re called the Lava Tubes (creative name, right?) and are located inside of Snow Canyon Park.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Thursday, June 25, 2020

June 25, 2020

55 lbs hang cleans
DB clusters with 15lbs - “clean, squat, press” - I had to chant this to myself as I went because I really wanted to do DB thrusters
Substitute MU with banded ring dip & ring rows (15-25 each round)

Bench press - 10 each of 35lb, 45lb, 50lb, 55lb (40 total reps)

Dinner:  From The Grateful Girl Cooks

Along with steak, we had this vegetable mixture.  I included everything as mentioned in the recipe, but the carrots.  I was afraid they might not taste well in this dish.  Next time maybe I will give them a try.

Summer Squash Bacon Sauté is a simple side dish with green and yellow zucchini, crisp bacon, carrot, onions, garlic and cheese, and takes only minutes to make!

Summer Squash Bacon Sauté
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
5 mins
Total Time
15 mins
Summer Squash Bacon Sauté is a simple side dish with green and yellow zucchini, crisp bacon, carrot, onions, garlic and cheese, and takes only minutes to make!
Category: Vegetable Dish
Cuisine: American
Keyword: summer squash bacon saute
Servings servings
Calories Per Serving157 kcal
  • 2 slices bacon
  • 1/4 cup red onion (thinly sliced)
  •  green zucchinis (medium sized)
  • 1/2 yellow zucchini (or crookneck squash) (medium sized)
  • 1 carrot (medium sized)
  • 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1 pinch salt/pepper (to taste)
  • 3 Tablespoons sharp cheddar cheese (grated)
  1. Cut bacon into thin slices (with knife or kitchen scissors). Thinly slice red onion. Cut zucchini in bite sized chunks. Peel carrot and cut into chunks. Set aside.
  2. Place bacon pieces in skillet with thin slices of red onion. You don't need to spray skillet, because the bacon will provide it's own "oil" as it cooks. Sauté on medium heat until bacon is crisp and fat (bacon grease) is rendered into skillet.
  3. Add green and yellow zucchini (cut into bite sized chunks), and carrot to skillet. Season with a pinch or two of salt and pepper (to taste). Stir and cook in the bacon "drippings" for 4-5 minutes on medium heat, stirring occasionally, until zucchini is slightly browned, and tender-crisp (NOT soggy!). Add minced garlic, and stir to combine. Cook for an additional minute, stirring often. The reason to put the garlic in at the last minute is so that it does not burn (which makes the garlic taste bitter- no one wants THAT!).
  4. Sprinkle grated sharp cheddar cheese over the top of the veggies. Do NOT stir. Turn off heat. Place a skillet lid over top of skillet for about a minute (this will melt the cheese). Remove skillet lid, and you will see the cheese has melted.  Use a spatula and transfer veggies to individual serving plates. Serve hot... and enjoy!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

June 24, 2020

Thrusters & Deadlifts with 35 lbs barbell only.
*As much as I wanted to add weight to the bar, I’m afraid to go heavy with deadlifts because of my hamstring injury. I could’ve possibly added weight for thrusters, but due to squats with the move I decided to keep it light too.
Green band for assisted pull ups
Wall walks for HSPU
Time: 22:24 (including 3 mins rest in between sets)

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

CrossFit Legs - Round 2

Right after my right shin healed from box jumps, my left shin decided it wanted a turn to show off.

June 23, 2020

Substitute 20 T2B for 20 K2E
I tried to do OHS with the 35 lbs bar but didn’t feel I could get low enough. I was advised to work on form so I modified by doing 5 OHS with 35 lbs and then the other 10 of the sets with a PVC pipe to work on form.

Accessory Work:
I began by doing wall walks, then tried Super Man. Finally, I tried to get into a handstand hold and was able to without support!! 👏🏼👏🏼 Next, I tried the OHS again with the help of a friend who suggested the following:
*With your hands push outward on the bar
*Imagine pinching a pencil between your shoulder blades by flexing in the back

...those tricks worked because I was able to do an OHS and get low!!

Happy day for accomplishments.
On a bad note, when I went into my 3rd handstand hold, I felt a pop in my hamstring that I hurt a few weeks back. I can walk on my right leg, unlike last time, but it is sore. I’m thankful that I’m not in as much pain as before, but I’m worried about re injuring my hamstring again.

Friday, June 19, 2020

June 19, 2020

Front Squats: 35lbs
Assisted pull ups with purple band
Box jump 16”
Power Cleans 55lbs
Farmer Carry with 15 lbs each hand

Bench press: 1 @ 75lbs

Thursday, June 18, 2020

June 18, 2020

15 lbs DB - 15 reps each arm
Assisted ring dips with band

Time: 29:41 (2 mins rests factored in)

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

June 17, 2020

35lb barbell
HSPU alternative - 20 second hold on a wall walk
6 rounds + 12 SDHP

Back Squat - 75lbs

Sunday, June 14, 2020

June 14, 2020 - Aspiration Trail

With my family coming to town for my 40th birthday weekend, we decided to take them on a hike at Aspiration Trail. My 3 young nieces & my 2 kids loved looking at all the painted rocks! ❤️

Thursday, June 11, 2020

June 11, 2020

200 single jump ropes
26 lbs for KB swings
45lbs back squats
Wall walks and hold for 20-30 sec substitute

Time: 12:31

Bench: 35lb for 1 set, 45 lbs for other 4 sets

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

June 10, 2020

Man Makers, Snatch and Clean & Jerks - 15lb DB
Front Squats and Hang Cleans - 45lb
Ab Mat Sit Ups in place of T2B...next time I will substitute with K2E
Time: 15:31

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

June 9, 2020

Deadlifts: 55lb (I’m still a little nervous of this move because it’s how I originally hurt my hamstring and I don’t feel as though it is 100% healed yet)

Rest for 3 mins

Assisted pull ups and 45lb push press
Final time: 15:35

Monday, June 8, 2020

June 8, 2020

4 full rounds completed. Started the 5th round with the run before time ran out.
35 lb barbell used, but definitely felt like a little more could’ve been added...maybe the 45 lbs barbell next time?

Accessory work with 15lb DB

Motivational Monday

Friday, June 5, 2020

June 5, 2020

Almost 5 rounds completed...all but the last set of DB press
15lb DB & 18lbs KB

Thursday, June 4, 2020

June 4, 2020

Goblet Squats @ 16 lb KB
15 lb plate to overhead
Snatch with a 35lb barbell

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

June 3, 2020

400 m run
12 DB Snatches with 15lbs in each hand
Sub 21 T2B for 21 AbMat sit-ups

Bench press: work up to...
1 @ 75lbs

*I had to sit out for the better part of this week thanks to COVID. Several people from a work related meeting I attended last week tested positive for COVID-19 so I figured the responsible thing to do was to also get tested and sit out until I heard the results. Luckily, my test came back negative. 👍🏻