Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 1, 2013

I was out of town for most of last week, and summer has been, well....busy!  I love summer for many reasons, but at the same time I hate losing the routine of life.  It seems my family is out of town a lot, with traveling to ball tournaments, camping, visiting family, etc.  I have continued to exercise through the summer, but I don't always have the time or access to record my data.  I will try to get better.
As I mentioned earlier, the 6 week challenge ended about 2 weeks ago.  It opened my eyes to many things and I am proud that I took on the challenge.  Even though it has ended, I would like to continue with many of the things I learned and incorporated.  I still haven't touched pop since the challenge began.  Truthfully I've never been a HUGE pop drinker, but I do enjoy a Diet Pepsi with crushed ice every now and then.  I would like to say that I have stayed away from sugar and junk food, but I am only human!  That's where I need to get strict again.  I know that I can never give it up fully, but I did like being aware of what I was putting into my body and trying to make healthier snack choices.
Speaking of the 6 week challenge...tonight it was announced that I WON!!!  I couldn't believe it!  There were a total of 9 of us that put in for the challenge.  At $10 a person, that means I made $80!!!  They said it was hard to pick a winner because there was a 3 way tie with the point system* so they decided to break the tie by looking at the number of inches lost.  Apparently, even that was a close call.  I lost a total of 13 inches and 2nd place lost 12 1/2 inches.  I felt bad for the girl that lost in that close of a challenge.  Overall, it was a great experience and I'm glad I decided to take part!

*6 week challenge point system - Each person could earn a point for the following things...
1.  Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.
2.  Paleo or your own exercise plan (such as my case)
3.  Drink at least 8 c. of water a day
4. Exercise

In other words, a person has the potential to earn up to 4 points in a day.  However, with having a rest day cheat day/meal, not getting enough sleep of drinking enough water, the numbers begin to vary from one another.

Walk 2 1/2 miles
Run 3.1 miles (5K)
Crossfit WOD:
2 rounds for time:
50 sit ups
50 push ups
25 box jumps
5 wall walks
400m run

Time:  17:30

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