Friday, July 31, 2020

July 31, 2020

Substitute bar muscle ups with 2 (purple) banded pull ups and 2 banded ring dips

Front squats with 45lbs 

Rounds: 6 1/ the half round, I was able to complete 2, 2, 4, and 2 burpee box overs 

July’s Challenge

I hit another monthly challenge goal (via my Apple Watch). I actually earned this on July 29th so there were even more minutes accumulated by the end of the month! πŸƒπŸΌ‍♀️πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ‹️‍♀️

Thursday, July 30, 2020

July 30, 2020

Today’s WOD was in honor of OUR (Operation Underground Railroad). It was time to RISE UP & GET LOUD to #endhumantrafficing

Assisted push ups with a band attached to the rig for some and then on my knees for others. 

Time: 19:39

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

July 28, 2020

OH walking lunges with 15lbs dumbbell 
DB Snatches with 15 lbs dumbbell 
Substitute strict pull ups with ring rows
Substitute HSPU with Z Press

Time: 13:27

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

July 22, 2020

Brutal, but oh so good!

My partner (Trudy) and I split the work and did 50 of each set...breaking them into 10 at a time.

14 lbs medicine ball (we ran 3 200m runs - she ran it down with me by her side and then I ran it back with her running next to me)
55lbs deadlifts (hamstring...and 50!)
Power cleans with 55lbs
Push press with 35 lbs barbell (45 lbs the 1st round only)
Wall balls with the same 14 lbs medicine ball we ran with

Time: 30:35
*Also, we were the first team to finish so I was super proud of our efforts!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

July 21, 2020

K2E substitute for T2B
Front squats with 45 lbs
3 ring dips & 3 ring rows substitute for 3 muscle ups

Time: 13:42

Bench press - 180 total broken into reps of 20 (give or take) 35 lbs barbell

Monday, July 20, 2020

Motivational Monday

July 20, 2020

Warm up:
20 seconds at each station, repeat 2x

20 second row
Plate to overhead (10lbs)
Jumping lunges
Hand walk on plates

Power clean: 55lbs
Pull ups: 1st round: assisted with PURPLE band (this is an improvement from where I have been, using the green band). The next rounds I was encouraged to do ring rows...

Clean & jerk: 45lbs
Hang snatch: 35 lbs barbell
HSPU substitute with z press: 35 lbs barbell

Stopped at 23 mins

Had done 21, 15 hang snatch and 9 z presses.
Did not complete a total of 9 hang snatches and 15 z press

Today I met my Jillian Michaels! The coach was hard core, but it was a great push!!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

July 16, 2020

Warm up:
3 rounds...
100m run
10 air squats
10 hang power cleans (35 lbs barbell)

Then...E3M with 1 min rest in between:
200m run & max ring dips for the 1st & 3rd rounds
*assisted band ring dips
1st round - 35dips & 3rd round - 30 dips

200m run & Max hang cleans for the 2nd & 4th rounds
55lbs hang cleans
2nd round - 40 hang cleans & 4th round - 35 hang cleans

Strength work:
Deadlifts...worked up to 75 lbs
I’m nervous to build up too quickly because of still trying to heal my hamstring.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

July 15, 2020

Warm up:
100m run
10 burpees
10 hang clean (35 lbs barbell)
10 pull up hang

EMOM: 35lbs bar for 2 rounds, 45lbs for 8 rounds

Power snatch @ 45 lbs
Sub T2B for K2E
Farmer carry with 18lbs DB

Time: 13:35

Monday, July 13, 2020

Motivational Monday

July 13, 2020

OHS with 35 lbs for 1st round and then switched to 25 lbs bar to work on form and get lower

Strict shoulder press (not push press) without bounce...built up to 65 lbs

Time: 6:04

Friday, July 10, 2020

July 10, 2020

The 1st round of KB OH lunges were fine, but I felt like I couldn’t keep true form for the other 2 rounds. Instead, I did OH KB carry 50’ and THEN 50’ of lunges...each arm.

KB 18lbs
SDHP with 35 lbs barbell

300 jump ropes (singles)

Time: 14:04

Thursday, July 9, 2020

July 9, 2020

15lbs DB, except for the last round...25lbs of 5 reps each arm
Sub T2B for K2E

Time: 13:03

Front squat - 35lbs, 45lbs, 55lbs, 65lbs, 75lbs, 95 lbs (2) 1RM

Thursday, July 2, 2020

July 2, 2020

Hang squat cleans: 55lbs the first round & 45lbs the second round
Burpees 1st round: 14
Burpees 2nd round: 6

Score is the number of burpees: 20

Back squat:
Worked up to 75lbs, 3 reps

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

July 1, 2020

200 single jump ropes
15lbs DB for man makers & clean and jerk
15lbs plate
SDHP with 26lbs KB

Time: 12:58