Walk: 2 1/2 miles
My Own WOD in my family room when I got home:
10 mins. AMRAP
10 air squats
10 push ups
10 sit ups
Rounds: 9 + 10 squats.
I was hoping to get in 1 round/minute, but the push ups slowed my down. I did want to do all REAL push ups though, instead of hand release like I was tempted to switch to. As crazy as it sounds, it felt good to push it again, after just a few days. The walking with my friends is fun, but I know I'm not pushing myself like I know I can!
While things are still being sorted out on where our Crossfit group can meet, some of us met up at the elementary school playground last night and did a workout together. Here's what we did:
4 rounds for time of:
20 air squats
15 toes to bar
run 400 m
Time: 14:40
Breakfast - banana (pre-walk snack) & choco. protein shake
Lunch - 6" flatbread breakfast sandwich from Subway (egg whites, American cheese, green pepper, yellow pepper, tomato, spinach and Chipolte sauce.
Snack - banana
Dinner - blueberry Greek yogurt, slice of homemade wheat bread & choco. protein shake
Water - 10 c.
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