Tips to decrease soreness:
Week one is just about over and you might be feeling a littttle bit sore (or maybe a lot of bit).
One of my favorite things to say to my clients is, “Workout today to workout tomorrow” so don’t workout SO hard today that it stops you from showing up tomorrow.
Yes intensity is great, but consistency will trump intensity every single time, plus you can always add in more intensity, but it won’t do anything unless you already are showing up consistently.
How to modify your workouts if needed?
You can always lower the rep scheme, lower the weight, or lower the rounds in a circuit. Then you can build over time as you get strong. Please remember that this is a marathon not a sprint. Don't feel bad about modifying!! It's okay I promise!
What to do about soreness:
-Move!! Staying stagnant or sitting all day only makes it worse.
-Drink lots of water (at least half your body weight in ounces)
-Hit your macros (correct food intake helps with soreness and recovery!)
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