Friday, January 20, 2023

January 20, 2023

4 rounds - 

25 sit ups 

10 bent over row (each arm) - 15lbs DB

10 Z press (35 lbs)

Then 3 rounds - 

20 oblique twists (20lbs)

10 leg lifts 


Unfortunately, supplements aren't magic. 95% of them probably aren't worth your money and the other 5 percent that are probably aren't making as much of a difference as you think. Remember that the MAJORITY of results will come from your actions, not supplements. 

With that being said, here are the 3 supplements I think may be worth adding in.

1) Whey Protein Powder

2) Creatine

3) Caffeine of some sort within a reasonable dose.


Whey protein powder is great. The main purpose it's known for is increasing muscle mass and strength. The macronutrients and vitamins in whey provide great health benefits too. Protein is amazing to support healthy bones, muscles, hair and organ function. There have also been some studies showing that it helps reduce inflammation and reduces the levels of C-reactive protein in the body indicating that it can help reduce inflammation. 

My favorite protein powder is Mamele Whey (of course) but adding in any whey protein powder can be a beneficial move in your health journey.


Creatine is one of the top supplements for improving performance in the gym. Studies show that it can increase muscle mass, strength and exercise performance.  Creatine is one of the world's most tested supplements and has a good safety profile (yay!)

Creatine is a substance found naturally in muscle cells. It helps your muscles produce energy during heavy lifting or high intensity exercise. One thing to note if you're taking creatine is to be sure you're drinking enough water each day since creatine pulls water into your muscle cells :)

This is a creatine that I like and take!


Caffeine can give you the energy and boost you need to get up and get your workout in and done for the day. If you're taking pre workout be sure to cycle on and off so that your body doesn't become accustomed to it. It's advised you don't go over 400 mg of caffeine per day, with a recommended dosage of 200mg per day as the average. I personally don't drink pre workout but on days where I need an extra boost i'll throw a crystal light energy packet into my water or something. Remember just do the minimum dose that works for you :)

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