Tuesday, January 31, 2023

January 31, 2023

 5 rounds:

10 hang power cleans (55lbs)

10 Z press (35 lbs)

10 shoulder taps

100 jump ropes

10 (each arm) bent over row (15lbs)

10 bench press (hands close together) (45lbs)


The -good for us- decisions we often don’t see instant gratification from.

If you think about the power of good habits. Think about what bad habits will do.

The difference between making a choice that one  percent better or worse on any given day is relatively insignificant. It’s easy to dismiss.

What’s the difference between eating a burger or choosing the macro friendly option? Or going to the gym or not. On any given day not a whole lot. At the end of the night you look the same. It’s only 3 months, 1 year or 5 years later that you turn around and realize that those little decisions did make a difference. The first time you choose to sleep in that’s fine. But if you do it the next day that’s enforcing a new habit. Focus on becoming 1 percent better each hour, day, year and watch your life change. BELIEVE that these small changes make a difference because they do!

Monday, January 30, 2023

January 30, 2023

 3 rounds:

10 back squats (65lbs)

5 man makers (10 lbs DB)

10 push ups (knees)

10 leg lifts

25 oblique twists (20lbs)

10 hang power cleans (55lbs)

Then 2 rounds:

10 lateral raises (10 lbs plates)

100 crunches

"When making plans think big. When making progress think small"- James Clear

When planning or strategizing be extremely ambitions and aggressive. When it comes to acting and executing you need to scale it down to something that you can achieve that day.

Think about anything in life that you've been successful at or that you feel you're great at. How did you get to this point? How did you become great at it? I'm guessing it didn't happen overnight. 

That's because greatness is not built in the big things we do inconsistently but rather the small things we do consistently.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

January 26, 2023

 4 rounds -

10 back squats (65 lbs)

5 man makers (10 lbs DB)

10 leg lifts

100 crunches

50 jump ropes

Then 2 rounds -

10 bench press (45 lbs)

10 push ups (knees)

20 shoulder taps 


"An analogy I like to use is this…  (sorry if you’ve already heard me use this before, It’s just one of my favorites)

If your car was on empty and you had two choices:

 1) You could leave it empty.

 2) You could fill it up 1/4 of the way. 

Which would you choose? Obviously, we would all choose to fill it up 1/4 of the way because leaving it empty would do nothing for us. The same goes with exercising. Something is always better than nothingπŸ‘ If you can't do it perfectly or you have to stop constantly to deal with your child or you're working out late at night and only have so much time or you have to modify the reps. 

That is okay!!! Give yourself credit for what you are able to do and move forward.

 Don't beat yourself up. Consistent effort my friends. 

Daily consistent effort. Keep it up! 

Friday Here We COME! 

“action is the foundational key to all success”"

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

January 24, 2023

5 rounds - 

20 American KB swings (25lbs)

10 z press (35lbs)

25 sit ups

10 lateral raises - 10lbs DB (2 rounds)

10 reverse curls - 10 lbs DB (3 rounds)


“I wanted to speak a little today on modifying a workout. Every challenge month I have clients who feel sad or depressed if they have to modify a lot of movements and reps during the workout.

If this is you, please know that you are not alone. There are MANY who modify the workouts. Modifying is NOT bad. This is a necessary step to get the stimulus that you should be getting from the workout. I want you to be able to workout the entire week, not be SO dead after one workout that you can’t finish the rest.


Here are some suggestions if you are wondering how you can modify a workout.

Take the jumping out of a movement. Whether it’s a burpee, jumping squats, jumping lunges, or something of that sort. You can always get rid of the jump and do it stationary. 

Do movements such as planks, push-ups, and mountain climbers with your hands on a box or chair. This helps to relieve a lot of the core pressure and will allow you to accomplish the movement a little easier while still getting stronger.

Set a timer and only work for an allotted amount of time. Whether its 15 minutes or 30 minutes, then stop whenever the timer goes off no matter where you are at in the workout.

Cut the rounds and reps in half! Then if you finish and feel like you could do more you can choose to do that, but it’s not bad to start with half and then you can slowly work to increase those reps throughout this month and the coming months."

Monday, January 23, 2023

January 23, 2023

 5 dead lifts (65lbs)

5 man makers (10lbs DB)

25 sit ups

10 Bulgarian split squats (20 lbs DB)

25 oblique twists (20lbs)

25 calf raises 


"The edge is in the inputs.

The person who consumes from better sources, gets better thoughts. The person who asks better questions, gets better answers. The person who builds better habits, gets better results.

It's not the outcomes. It's the inputs."

Friday, January 20, 2023

January 20, 2023

4 rounds - 

25 sit ups 

10 bent over row (each arm) - 15lbs DB

10 Z press (35 lbs)

Then 3 rounds - 

20 oblique twists (20lbs)

10 leg lifts 


Unfortunately, supplements aren't magic. 95% of them probably aren't worth your money and the other 5 percent that are probably aren't making as much of a difference as you think. Remember that the MAJORITY of results will come from your actions, not supplements. 

With that being said, here are the 3 supplements I think may be worth adding in.

1) Whey Protein Powder

2) Creatine

3) Caffeine of some sort within a reasonable dose.


Whey protein powder is great. The main purpose it's known for is increasing muscle mass and strength. The macronutrients and vitamins in whey provide great health benefits too. Protein is amazing to support healthy bones, muscles, hair and organ function. There have also been some studies showing that it helps reduce inflammation and reduces the levels of C-reactive protein in the body indicating that it can help reduce inflammation. 

My favorite protein powder is Mamele Whey (of course) but adding in any whey protein powder can be a beneficial move in your health journey. https://mamele.com/product/mamele-whey-chocolate/


Creatine is one of the top supplements for improving performance in the gym. Studies show that it can increase muscle mass, strength and exercise performance.  Creatine is one of the world's most tested supplements and has a good safety profile (yay!)

Creatine is a substance found naturally in muscle cells. It helps your muscles produce energy during heavy lifting or high intensity exercise. One thing to note if you're taking creatine is to be sure you're drinking enough water each day since creatine pulls water into your muscle cells :)

This is a creatine that I like and take! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E9M4XFI?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_sem_N7EX7FCJFQVPZKXR46PB


Caffeine can give you the energy and boost you need to get up and get your workout in and done for the day. If you're taking pre workout be sure to cycle on and off so that your body doesn't become accustomed to it. It's advised you don't go over 400 mg of caffeine per day, with a recommended dosage of 200mg per day as the average. I personally don't drink pre workout but on days where I need an extra boost i'll throw a crystal light energy packet into my water or something. Remember just do the minimum dose that works for you :)

Thursday, January 19, 2023

January 19, 2023

4 rounds - 

25 sit ups 

5 man makers (10ths DB)

10 plate to overhead (25lbs)

10 Bulgarian split squats (20lbs)

Then 3 rounds -

25 Oblique twists (20lbs)

Bench press (45lbs) - fast reps 


“Don’t prepare for your strengths, prepare for your weaknesses”

I recently heard this and loved it! Yes, appreciate what you’re good at and what’s easy for you, but if you want to be successful prepare for your weaknesses! I truly feel like we can do this physically and mentally. 

Prior to going into any situation that I know might have options that will move me away from my goal, I like to mentally decide and commit before hand what I want to do and/or accomplish and I think of the feeling I want to have after the situation. 

It definitely helps. 

Write down what you feel your weaknesses are. 

How can you set yourself up to combat and improve those weaknesses?

Intention brings success.

I hope you’re having an incredible day today. I’m so grateful to have you here. 

Can you believe we are almost HALFWAY through the challenge?!!

We’ve got this!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

January 17, 2023

 4 rounds - 

50 jump ropes

10 push press (45 lbs)

10 lateral raises (5 lbs plates)

25 sit ups

Then 3 rounds - 

25 oblique twists (20 lbs DB)

10 tricep dips 

10 bench press (55/45lbs)


Three thoughts I wanted to share today:

1) “It is not necessary to change a person in order to change their behavior. Just change their environment”

2) “Many problems are minor when you solve them right away, but grow into an enormous conflict when you let them linger.”

3) “Raise your ambitions. Lower your expectations.

The higher your ambitions, the bolder your actions.

The lower your expectations, the greater your satisfaction.

Achieve more and be happy along the way.”

Monday, January 16, 2023

January 16, 2023

 3 rounds:

25 sit ups 

10 deadlifts (65lbs)

10 back squats (65 lbs)

400m run 

Cool down:

2 rounds - 

10 bench press (55lbs)

10 push ups 

Then off to spend the morning snowboarding with my 15 year old daughter. I would’ve snapped a picture but it was too cold to take my gloves off πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦πŸΌ‍♀️. 

Mamele Message for Today:

Three thoughts I wanted to share for mindset today:

1)You either spiral up or spiral down.

Each action that we take is followed by another one, and that section action we take either spirals us up or down. 

Example: if you miss a workout one day, the next day you can choose to miss another one or you can choose to workout. One decisions spirals you up closer to where we want to be, and the other one spirals you down further away from you are wanting to be. 

Choose to spiral up! Don’t let the all or nothing mindset stop you from keep making small choices to spiral up to the person you want to be.

2) Never underestimate the power of a small pivot.

If something isn’t working for you, the answer is probably a lot smaller and simpler than what you’re thinking. The key to success is not life altering huge decisions every day but rather small adjustments performed consistently rather than quitting.

If something seems to not be working, ask yourself what’s one small thing you can do to help or make it better? 

3) Build your mindset muscles

We all focus on building our muscles on our body and this takes a long time! The same goes for our mind, in order to mentally become tougher we MUST work out our mind each day. We don’t all of a sudden have endless will power or motivation or discipline. It’s continually doing those things we say we’re going to do and sticking to our commitments to keep strengthening our “mindset” muscles. 

Build the mindset muscle to bounce back quickly. 

Build the mindset muscle of never giving up. 

Build the mindset muscle of not thinking in an all or nothing way. 

It takes practice and daily work. It doesn’t happen overnight. But it’s life changing.

“Pursue Progress not perfection”

Friday, January 13, 2023

January 13, 2023

4 rounds - 

 5 pull ups

10 push press (55lbs)

10 HR push ups 

20 sit ups 

100 jump ropes

Then 3 rounds - 

10 reverse curls (10lbs)

10 dips

Hey guys! 

Andrea here. 

I think weightlifting can sometimes get a bed rep since on your apple watch it doesn't show that you burn as many "calories" if you're doing weightlifting vs cardio. Here's the thing, you will generally burn more calories during your workout when doing cardio HOWEVER lean muscle mass helps to increase your metabolism which in turn helps you burn more calories throughout the entire day. Strength training is awesome because it also increases and enhances your quality of life. I like to think of muscle as the "armor" of the body. You wouldn't want to go to battle without armor right? Same thing here. Don't go through each day without it. Muscle is great for longevity, decreases your risk of injury and falls, improves heart health, manages your blood sugar levels and more. Don't be scared of lifting those weights and challenging yourself each day. Weightlifting is GOOD! 

Thursday, January 12, 2023

January 12, 2023

 3 rounds - 

10 goblet squats (20 lb DB)

10 Bulgarian split squats (20 lbs DB)

10 thrusters (45 lb)

20 shoulder taps

100 jump ropes

300 m run 

If I was to give you the choice of 3 million dollars today or a penny, doubled, every day for 31 days.. Which would you choose?

The doubling penny isn’t worth much on day 1. Day 5 it’s worth 16 cents. Day 10 it’s valued at $5.12.

Day 20 it is still significantly less at $5,243. But then the magic starts to happen.

By day 31 it is valued at $10,737,418.24

The moral to this story is to stop focusing on 3 million dollar effort only TODAY or for a short period of time and instead focus on adding one penny to the bucket each day and slowly increasing that effort. Maybe after 10 days it doesn’t feel like much BUT over time those small efforts compound and lead to bigger and bigger results.

Small actions repeated over time lead to BIG results.

Big actions repeated infrequently don’t lead to even close to the same amount of result.

I hope that this week we can keep our focus on those pennies. Those small tasks we can do each day so that by the end of the month we’ve created a “ten million” dollar month. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

January 10, 2023

 3 rounds:

5 pull ups

21 KB swings (25 lbs DB)

10 HR push ups

20 v-ups

100 crunches

50 jump ropes 

Then…3 rounds:

10 Strict push press (45 lbs)

10 Bench press (55lbs)

30 calf raises

Just a little thought I wanted to share:

Remember that focus and intent on the TODAY will take care of the FUTURE goal.

You don’t even have to worry about the future goal if you focus on the intent NOW.

Everything else takes care of itself.

Stop spending energy worrying about things that you can’t control (the scale, your measurements, your pant size)

Focus your energy on what you CAN control.

Your eating, your workouts, your attitude.

I want you to ask yourself this question:

Why is anybody else more capable than you?!

The truth is nobody is.

You’re just as capable! 

Everything you need is already inside of you.

It’s about harnessing it.

Developing it.

Building it.

Starting things AND failing.

Getting back up. 

It’s okay to feel.

It’s okay to problem solve and process. 

Learn to rest, not quit.

Keep showing up for Y O U 

Monday, January 9, 2023

January 9, 2023

 3 rounds:

10 back squats (65lbs)

10 hip thrusters (20lbs DB) 

10 Bulgarian split squats (5 each side - 20lbs DB)

Run 300m 

Then 3 rounds:

20 sit ups

10 plate to overhead (25lbs plate)

Run 300m

Saturday, January 7, 2023

January 7, 2023

 The challenge encouraged us to do something for ourselves today so I went πŸ‚ snowboarding πŸ‚ with my sister and her family. It was SO much fun and burned a lot of calories! (1,500+) πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Today I encourage you to get out and do something for you!!
Plan 5 minutes or maybe 5 hours (wouldn't that be great) doing something that you love.

If we don't intentionally CREATE time for ourselves it will never happen.

You are important so taking care of yourself is important!

Here are some of my favorite activities to do for myself:
-Quick walk by myself with podcast or music playing (I do this every Sunday morning)
-Reading (me and my kindle are best friends. Currently reading the Ember in Ashes series and it's amazing!! Give me all the fiction novels)
-Snowboarding ✅πŸ˜‰
-Coloring (have you ever tried an adult coloring book? its amazing!!)
-Art or craft
-Sitting by yourself for 5 minutes without anyone touching you or talking to you (moms with kids how nice does this sound?)
The list goes on and on!
Be sure to hop on Facebook and let me know what you're doing today for YOU!!

Friday, January 6, 2023

January 6, 2023

Tips to decrease soreness:

Week one is just about over and you might be feeling a littttle bit sore (or maybe a lot of bit).

One of my favorite things to say to my clients is, “Workout today to workout tomorrow” so don’t workout SO hard today that it stops you from showing up tomorrow.

Yes intensity is great, but consistency will trump intensity every single time, plus you can always add in more intensity, but it won’t do anything unless you already are showing up consistently. 

How to modify your workouts if needed?

You can always lower the rep scheme, lower the weight, or lower the rounds in a circuit. Then you can build over time as you get strong. Please remember that this is a marathon not a sprint. Don't feel bad about modifying!! It's okay I promise!

What to do about soreness: 

-Move!! Staying stagnant or sitting all day only makes it worse.

-Drink lots of water (at least half your body weight in ounces)

-Hit your macros (correct food intake helps with soreness and recovery!)




Thursday, January 5, 2023

January 5, 2023

4 rounds - 

15 steps ups

15 goblet squats (20 lb DB)

15 sit ups

300m run 


Rice Krispie mini 

Protein shake with collagen



Protein bar

Coconut butter granola bar

Egg McMuffin 


12 oz Diet Pepsi

Water - 80oz

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

January 4, 2023

 Wednesday is generally yoga day (at least on the Mamele app), which for me means a morning walk with friends.  However, with the snow and cold the morning walks have been temporarily put on hold.  After staying up late last night (work related) I chose to "sleep in" today instead, but knew I would need to fit in my 10,000 steps somewhere in the day.  As I got on a phone call, I decided why can't I go walk around the school while taking care of business at the same time.  The idea was brilliant, and I'm certain it will be a plan I follow in the future - talk and walk!  Close to 5 miles of "talk & walk" (there were several calls to make), and now I sit here with well over 13,000 steps for the day!  Wahoo!

As part of today's challenge we were asked to write a letter to our future self.  For now it's saved in my drive, but the day may come when I post it here...


chocolate protein shake with collagen

coconut butter granola bar


1 chicken breast (grilled) with Chick-Fil-A sauce

6 white chocolate/candy cane dipped flat preztels

Healthy Choice fudge bar



12 oz Diet Pepsi

72 oz water


“Today you will write a letter to your future self, to read at the end of our IMPACT challenge! This letter is designed to give you a clear vision of where you’re headed and set a strong intention of how you plan to show up for yourself throughout our six weeks together. What are your biggest goals to accomplish in the next six weeks and how do you deeply desire to treat yourself along the way? Write a letter to yourself stating how proud you are and excited you feel that you ALREADY accomplished those goals and write in detail of how you showed up for yourself. Write it all out in present tense as if you’ve already accomplished it. Instead of “I hope I exercise consistently.” You will write “I love that I have exercised consistently just like I said I would!” Another example is “I’m trying to speak kindly to myself.” It’s going to be “I am speaking kindly to myself and noticing a huge boost in my energy and discipline since I picked up this new form of self talk.” 

There are no limits in this writing. You get to decide what the goals are and how you want to feel, write it out as if you've already accomplished that. Describe in detail what that feels like and even the changes you've noticed in your life because of it. Once you'e finished, fold up the letter and tuck it somewhere safe that you can come back to read it at the end of the challenge. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

January 3, 2023

 Completed the baseline challenge: 


15 air squats

10 push ups (knees)

5 burpees 

Time: 8:48 (I anticipate a much faster time at the end of the challenge when my cough is (hopefully) gone! 

Following the baseline I did 2 rounds…

20 oblique twists (20lb BD)

10 leg lifts

100 crunches

Run 400 m

Unfortunately, today was my first day back to work since Christmas break which meant SITTING in a training ALL DAY! πŸ˜© To top it off, there was a meeting held at my school after hours so I chose to stay at the school to work. As I sat down to my computer to begin working I checked my steps…close to 6,000. I knew my goal of hitting 10,000 steps wouldn’t happen unless I put in the time…and work so off I went! I paced the hall of my school for about 30 mins and was able to do it! πŸ™ŒπŸ» Here’s to chasing goals in 2023!


Rice Krispie mini 

Protein shake with collagen



Jerky & cheese stick 

Coconut & marshmallow Built Puff bar 

1 c Dots home style pretzels 

Salad (lettuce, red bell pepper, hard boiled egg, chicken breast chunks (grilled), cheese crips, & ranch dressing)

1/2 c cottage cheese with rice cake chips 


12 oz Diet Pepsi

Water - 80oz

Monday, January 2, 2023

January 2, 2023

 Happy New Year! πŸ₯³ New year; new challenge!

With the mindset from Tessa, she’s challenging us to become our own best friend. With that she asked: “What would I say to my best friend?” If your friend didn’t feel like working out, drinking more water, etc…what would you say?

6 rounds:

55 lbs / 3 reps each

Power clean

Front squat

Push press

Run 200m between each round 

3 rounds

10 bench press (55lb)

10 Bulgarian split squats (5 ea side with 20lbs)

10 praying mantis squats 

6 rounds:

10 Lateral raises (5 lb plates)

10 Goblet squats (20lbs)

20 oblique twists (20lbs)