Thursday, June 13, 2024

June 12, 2024

 Morning walk - 3.75 miles

Wednesday Weigh in for 90 day challenge….


Pre-workout: M&M

Breakfast: drinkable yogurt 

Lunch: Zupas…half chipotle salad (no meat, sub extra avocado) 

Snack: banana

Dinner: half Wisconsin cauliflower soup (left over from Zupas), 4 pc sushi

Water: 60oz

Babe Boost mixed with 32 oz water 

Evening drink: 16oz “hot chocolate” with protein mix

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

June 11, 2024

 3.5 mile walk

Today, at my principal meeting, the group decided that we all wanted to do something about our “stress eating”. Hence the ide of our 90 day plan was hatched…

Monday, June 10, 2024

June 10, 2024

 3 rounds 

10 plate to overhead (25)

10 Bulgarian split squats (20)

10 hip thrusts (20 DB ea hand)

20 Russian twists (25)

10 bench press (45-55)

Then 21-15-9

Sit ups 

Push ups 

3.75 mile walk with friends

1.25 mile walk with grandbaby to check the mail (and get him to sleep! 😉)

How the walk started…

And how it ended…😅

Friday, June 7, 2024

June 7, 2024

 3 rounds: 

10 Lateral raises (10)

10 DB pull over (15)

10 DB Snatch (20)

10 Reverse curls (10)

10 Thrusters (35)

Then 3.75 mile walk