Tuesday, June 23, 2020

June 23, 2020

Substitute 20 T2B for 20 K2E
I tried to do OHS with the 35 lbs bar but didn’t feel I could get low enough. I was advised to work on form so I modified by doing 5 OHS with 35 lbs and then the other 10 of the sets with a PVC pipe to work on form.

Accessory Work:
I began by doing wall walks, then tried Super Man. Finally, I tried to get into a handstand hold and was able to without support!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ Next, I tried the OHS again with the help of a friend who suggested the following:
*With your hands push outward on the bar
*Imagine pinching a pencil between your shoulder blades by flexing in the back

...those tricks worked because I was able to do an OHS and get low!!

Happy day for accomplishments.
On a bad note, when I went into my 3rd handstand hold, I felt a pop in my hamstring that I hurt a few weeks back. I can walk on my right leg, unlike last time, but it is sore. I’m thankful that I’m not in as much pain as before, but I’m worried about re injuring my hamstring again.

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