Friday, October 23, 2020

October 23, 2020


My first WOD that I have Rx!! Happy day! 

1 min. run 100m and rest with the remaining time

2 min did 25 reps with 65 lbs, and then 20 reps for rounds 4, 6, and 8. Round 10 with 15 reps 

Time: 9:44 Rx

Thursday, October 22, 2020

October 22, 2020


4 rounds:

400m row, 80 singles, DB Snatch with 15lbs each hand, front squats with 45lbs, wall walk and hold for 30ish seconds

Time: 22:54

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

October 21, 2020


OHS with 25 lbs pipe. Although I could do the OHS with the 35lbs barbell, I didn’t feel as though I could get low enough. 

American KB swings with 26lbs 

Power snatch with 45lbs (broken down into 10 reps)

Assisted push ups with band(s). 20 reps with green band on the rig and then purple & green bands for the remaining 30 reps...broken into 5 and ultimately 2 reps. (This was the hardest part of the WOD for me!)

Time 22:54

Monday, October 12, 2020

Motivational Monday

October 12, 2020


Bear complex - 45, 50, 55, 65, 65

Substitute bar muscle ups for 5 purple band assisted pull ups & 5 tricep box dips

DB push press with 15lbs

American KB swings with 26 lbs

Saturday, October 10, 2020

2020 Valley Throwdown

Today I took part in my 1st CrossFit competition. Did I win? No. But did I set some new PRs and walk away feeling proud of myself? You bet! 

Some may think pushing yourself to such extremes is crazy, and they’re probably right, but somehow my WODs are the most relaxing part to my day. I walk in the mornings for mental clarity and therapy sessions, but my nights are reserved for challenging all my bottled up “energy” and emotions. 

I love Crossfit! ❤️πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸƒπŸΌ‍♀️

 WOD #1: 

Power clean @ 75lbs


Tricep dios from 24” box

Time: 6:28

Front squat 1RM @ 105lbs

WOD #2:

Power snatch with 55lbs 
Wall walks
Box jumps/Box Steps Ups 

Rounds: (I think) 5 rounds + 3 power snatch & 1 wall walk 
WOD #3:
Deadlifts @ 85lbs 
Jumping pull ups 
42 singles 
Time: 4:02 (this time surprised me and several others...and I took 2 in this heat, for the scaled version!)

Thursday, October 8, 2020

October 8, 2020


Ran 2 round and rowed for 2 rounds 

American KB Swings with 26lbs

Clean & jerk with 65 lbs 

Time: 14:16

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

October 7, 2020

 KB farmer carry with (yellow)

Deadlifts up to 115lbs

Good mornings with 35 lbs barbell

Bench press up to 55lbs 

Handstand wall walks 

*I worked on power cleans after the WOD & was able to clean 75lbs.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Motivational Monday

October 5, 2020


Another name for today’s WOD...ass whoppin’

Power cleans - 4 rounds with 65 lbs and 3 rounds with 55 lbs

DB front swuats with 15 lbs

Assisted pull ups - 2 rounds with purple band & 5 rounds with green band

Plate to OH with 15lbs 

Saturday, October 3, 2020

October 3, 2020

 Partner with Russ

300m run

25 American KB swings with 26lbs

100 single JR

25 thrusters with 45 lbs

50 burpee box jump overs 😡

25 thrusters with 35 lbs

100 single JR

25 American KB swings with 26lbs

300 m run

Time: 24:19

Friday, October 2, 2020

October 2, 2020

 Partner: Kristy P.

I started the WOD. We broke up each set and tackled half of everything. 

5 Man makers with 15lbs

10 alt DB snatches with 25 lbs

15 push press with 45 lbs

30 HR pushups 

10 squat cleans with 45lbs and 50 with 35lbs 

30 assisted pull ups with purple band 

15 clean & jerks with 45 lbs 

10 alt DB snatches with 25 lbs

5 Man makers with 15lbs

Time: 21:07

Thursday, October 1, 2020

October 1, 2020

 Partner with Russ

24 rounds + 20 reps (10 DB hang C&J and 10 T2B)

DB hang clean & jerk with 25 lbs (5 each arm)

Substitute T2B for K2E